Traditional Braces


If you have crooked teeth or teeth that are misaligned causing an overbite or an underbite, there are a number of solutions to help correct it. Braces are one such option that helps straighten your teeth and eliminate any other problems you may have with eating, speech and keeping your teeth clean. With advances in technology, traditional braces are smaller, sleeker and more comfortable. If traditional metal braces are not your thing, there are other options like Invisalign. Your dentist may refer you to an orthodontist who can then explain your options to you.

Braces can help improve your appearance. The teeth structure of a person influences how his/her jawline looks. Braces help align your teeth, giving them better structure, which helps not only to enhance your facial structure but also helps you to bite and chew properly, among other benefits.

Braces can be introduced at any age. In children, the treatment can begin as young as nine to ten years old. Adults can also benefit from braces if they have problems related to misaligned teeth such as decay, chipping, breakage, etc. Crooked teeth that cause overbites or underbites, disorder of the joints in the jaws, and incorrect jaw position, are some of the reasons you might consider braces as a solution.


Braces work by moving the teeth to the desired position. In order to apply the amount of pressure required to slowly move the teeth, brackets are placed on the teeth attached by wires. The wires start out light and slowly become heavier forcing the teeth to move away from the pressure to the intended location. Continuous gradual pressure is key. Do not miss appointments with your orthodontist and follow the advice given, or else your progress may be halted.

Your orthodontist will discuss about your previous dental history, conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and mouth and assess the X-rays. Based on the analysis of all the information gathered, your orthodontist will decide on the appropriate treatment plan. If the conclusion is in favor of braces, a treatment plan detailing your best option and the time required is formulated.


During the placement of braces, your cheeks are retracted to keep your teeth visible and dry. The teeth are polished to create a surface that the brackets can easily bond to. A special conditioner is applied and left on for about 30 seconds. It is cleaned off and the teeth are prepared with an adhesive primer.

The brackets are coated in special orthodontic cement. The brackets are placed at the right spots and any extra cement present is removed. A special curing light is used to harden the cement and form a stronger bond with the teeth. Once the brackets are firmly in the desired places, dental arch wires are threaded through the brackets.

This process takes about 20 minutes depending on the elements involved in treating a particular case. In the first 4-6 hours after placement, you will experience soreness. It can be relieved with ice cream and OTC pain medications. Usually the pain subsides in 3-5 days.

The process of removal of the braces is simple and straightforward. The bond between the teeth and the brackets is broken. The adhesive is retained to add a layer of protection. Any remaining bonding cement is removed. It is fairly painless though some might experience inflamed gums, which subsides in a few days.


Retainers are an important part of the process as your teeth try to go back to their previous positions. They are custom-made to your mouth based on how your mouth is supposed to look after braces. It is recommended to wear them 24/7 for the first six months after removal. After that, you may wear them only at night.

It depends on a person’s individual needs and varies based on the severity of the problem, the present health of teeth and gums, the distance the teeth have to travel to reach their intended positions, the room available for movement, and so on.

On an average, it takes between one and three years. You may have to visit your doctor every month to make sure the movement is going as per the plan, make adjustments on the wires, rubber bands or springs to create more tension and pressure.


Some of the benefits of correcting teeth alignment include:

  • Preventing tooth decay and gum disease
  • Well-aligned teeth are easy to clean. This helps prevent plaque buildup thereby reducing the risk of tooth decay or gum disease.
  • Improving digestion
  • Braces ensure properly aligned teeth, removing issues of underbite and overbite. With the right bite, you can chew well leading to better digestion.
  • Improving speech and pronunciation
  • Teeth structure influences how people speak and pronounce words. It is for the same reason that toddlers and the elderly have difficulty in speaking clearly due to absence of teeth or misaligned teeth structure. Braces can help improve not only the structure but speech as well.


Last, but not the least, braces can help you achieve that perfectly aligned beautiful and radiant smile.

There are things to remember while the braces work their magic. Avoid foods that are not brace friendly. This includes hard food items that can break your braces, chewy food like caramel that can get stuck on the braces risking tooth decay. Your doctor may give you a list of items to stay away from.

Brush and floss regularly. You may have to use a special brush that is capable of reaching the crevices that are part of metal braces. Are your crooked, misaligned teeth holding you back? We want what is best for you and your teeth. With our expertise, we provide treatment of the highest standards, solving all your dental problems at affordable prices. Contact us to find out if braces are right for you. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our services.